Customer Data Security

We are committed to being a safe and reliable business partner to our customers.

As Doğan Label, we attach great importance to the security and confidentiality of our customers. Our customer information security policy is based on the protection and confidentiality of our customers' information.
We follow the best practices in privacy and security and take the necessary measures to protect customer information. Customer information is used only for specified purposes and is never shared with third parties.

We use advanced technological infrastructure and security measures for data security. We take the necessary measures to ensure that customer information is protected against the risk of unauthorized access, alteration or loss. We also raise awareness and provide training to our employees on customer information security.
We regularly conduct audits for the security and integrity of the data in our systems and continuously review them for improvements. We closely follow technological developments and try to implement the latest security measures.

Gaining and maintaining the trust of our customers is one of the core values of our business. By continuously reviewing our customer information security policy, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest level of security.

At Doğan Label, we are committed to customer information security and strive to ensure the highest level of protection for each of our customers' data. We are committed to being a secure and reliable business partner to our customers.